Sunday, November 05, 2006

So what HAVE you been doing?

I haven't posted for quite some time, and I kinda even wonder if there are really people out there reading this, but I mean I'm gonna go ahead and write anyway because well, I figure one day I will probably wonder, "man that blog I had while I was in that thing still up?" and then I will return here and think wow Tim, great memories...great freaking super bacan recuerdos.

So what have I been up to the last two weeks you ask? Well I haven't been traveling, that's for sure. No, the truth is that I have been trying to figure out whether or not our Nana (housekeeper) is a Robot. I seriously spent upward of 25 hours looking for where she plugs herself in, or for a charger of some sort, i don't know rechargeable batteries (doubtful, it would take way to many)...but after countless wasted hours and awkward moments of eye contact with the Nana..who is on to me by the way...i gave up yesterday. Sadly, I am left only with suspicion.

And then I have a girlfriend as well. Thats probably the real problem.

yeah, but I am headed to a beastie boys concert this weekend and so i will post some pictures and have some GREAT things to say.

love tim

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