So the Spanish here is out of control. Chileans speak really fast, often dropping their "s"es, and have tons of colloquialisms that only Chileans can understand. I love it. This week especially I have started to catch a lot of it and it's made the whole experience way more fun...Chilean Spanish is just a good time, it really is. All our teachers in the program speak in "normal" Spanish but they always tell us that if we can understand Chilean Spanish then we will have no trouble understanding every other dialect as well. I hope this is the case...either way it is a hell of a lot of fun trying to get acclimated to it.
For those interested I am headed to Chillan this weekend to snowboard in the Andes. Pretty ridiculous.
¿quiéndijoquenosotroshablamaosrápido? ¿quénosenosentiende? siyoentiendotodoloquemedicenmisamigosyfamilia xD
Saludos =)
This will be in english, not because I think you don't know how speak spanish, you really do. Its just I think this is a good chance to me to practise the things I've learnt at the University, ok?. Ok.
So please excuse the mistakes I make and try to read without taking care about the way I write, because you know my english is pour, and also because my ideas are very confused and mixed.
Hey Tim, nice to see you here in blogger. How are you? I'm doing very well. I heard somebody talking about your blog, so I decided to come here and post. I usually read blogs written by english speakers, so then I can practise my reading and my spelling, but I didn't know these people who those blogs belong. So it'll be nice reading about somebody I like and know (sort of)
Well... about what you wrote...
This is really the greatest thing about learning spanish here in Chile.
So you teachers are right, learning spanish here is the most usefull way to learn spanish. Once you are able to understand what we say in our wild spanish you will be able to understand any kind of spanish you face in the future.
So sure you are intelligent enough to discriminate the important stuf of chilean Spanish that you can use later, when you are in other countries. You know, Its not a good idea travelling around Spain or Cuba or another country saying things like "Si po hueón, cachai"
bla bla bla... you understand my fucking point.
I have to say good bye right now, there somebody calling me from the kitchen. Bye and have a nice sex with all your gringo's friends :)
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